Friday, November 30, 2007

Okay, so maybe not...

So maybe I'm not back into posting after all. 11 weeks now of nothing! I am 26 weeks along and can honestly say I haven't given labor and birth much attention, therefore I've learned nothing interesting which I could post. My sister-in-law is now approaching her time... and I got tired of my latest cloth-diaper-sewing obsession... so I'm actually giving birth some of my mental space. I'll try to post some articles or videos or something of interest soon.

Oh, and we have a boy:)


BGK said...

Oh, Sarah, I love sewing! I haven't sewn cloth diapers in eons.

I've been thinking of you a lot lately, and about the birth plan post. I think if I was birthing in the hospital, I'd just pick a provider I liked, say:

1. I want to walk around during labor & sip liquids if I want
2. Don't clamp the cord until I say it's ok
3. Keep my baby with me all the time.
4. Ask me prior to doing anything.

I don't know that I would go in with a birth plan, as that tends to set them on edge. Women so seldom get everything in it, so, why bother listing out stuff, when so many things are unpredictable.

On second thought I might scratch number one, since I wouldn't go in until I was fairly far along.

I hope you like your new guy. Thinking of you,

Anonymous said...

A boy!!! Congratulations!